Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Moose, ducks, chicken, and so forth

Had some interesting technological experiences as the Summer Tour 2009 kicked off in Moose Jaw. The first video camera preferred to record the sound of the wind to the sound of my voice. A brand new camera recorded my voice perfectly, but a nasty 50 km/hour gust blew the thing and its tripod over, causing my heart to temporarily stop beating. Fortunately, it seems to have survived. I processed the video, but had to spend two hours in the lobby of the hotel, as this was the only place with adequate internet access.

There, that's better - feels good to vent. Technology aside, we've had a great time in Moose Jaw. Spent some quality time in the many parks that are situated in Wakamow Valley. They’ve done an awesome job of creating trails,boardwalks, play areas, picnic areas - seriously, awesome place for a picnic. Access to the valley is just a minute or two from downtown Moose Jaw. You can camp, rent canoes or kayaks, take a river boat tour, or get some great food at the Burger Cabin.
Funny how this story keeps reverting back to food. The Burger Cabin is built on the site of the old Swing Inn KFC, of which a former Moose Jaw youngster like myself has fond memories. Local folks tipped me off that the same family that had at one time run the Swing Inn built a replica of an old restaurant (the original Burger Cabin) that had been in the valley years ago.

Well, I checked it out and watched as a steady stream of customers picked up their food and headed to the adjacent picnic area. The food is not only surprisingly good, it arrived unexpectedly fast – not surprising I suppose in a place like Moose Jaw.

Find our more about my awesome Moose Jaw adventure (ducks!) and check out some video over at sasktourism.com.

Day One Wrap:

Food of the Day: Nit’s Thai Food Restaurant, Main Street
Cleanest bathroom: Town and Country Mall, Main Street north by the Civic Centre. Honoruable Mention: Art Gallery in Crescent Park.
Oversized Things Spotted: Mac, of course!
Traveller Tip o’ the Day: Sunscreen, people! I don’t know if it actually is, but I find the spray-on stuff less greasy.
Injury of the Day: Hint – cactus and sandals don’t mix.
Obsession of the Day: ducks. I love ducks, apparently.

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