Tuesday, January 17, 2012


In October 2011, as Tourism Saskatchewan was preparing the 2012 Saskatchewan Discovery Guide, they launched the “Choose the Cover” Contest, during which they asked their Facebook fans and others to help them decide what image would appear on the cover.

After poring through their library of great Saskatchewan imagery, and narrowed the choices down to two candidates. One shot featured a beach at sunset, the other a zipline and tall trees in the Cypress Hills. Visitors to their Facebook page and to their website were able to vote for their favourite, and then were also able to enter to win an iPad 2 or one of five t-shirts. Sharing on Facebook and Twitter was encouraged to help increase participation.

The response was overwhelming, with hundreds of thousands of votes cast over the two weeks that the contest ran. Ultimately, the Cypress Hills shot garnered the most votes, and will be used on the cover of the 2012 Saskatchewan Discovery Guide (below).

My Trip to Southwest Saskatchewan - Ziplines and Dinosaurs, Oh My!

I have a pretty sweet gig at Tourism Saskatchewan, where I work. I get to take these awesome Road Trips throughout Saskatchewan and then share my experiences with our followers online.

My most recent trip took me to the southwest corner of the province, where I was lucky enough to stick my head in the mouth of a T.rex and nearly kill myself on a zipline (see above). 

There are many more photos and videos of this trip on the Tourism Saskatchewan website.