Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Saskatchewan Day at the Olympics!

Each participating province/territory gets a feature day at the Olympics. On February 23, it was our turn.

At the Pavilion on Saskatchewan Day, there were lots of giveaways, including Rider gear, Tourism Saskatchewan iPods and an amazing grand prize: two tickets to the Canada-Germany men's hockey game played that very night. Participants played a game of Sask-themed charades, and a couple from North Vancouver named Trevor and Jennifer were all ready to play charades and then hunker down to watch the game.

Well, next thing they knew, they won, and a little over an hour later they are in part of the crowd in their front-row seats at the game. Both are big hockey fans and were completely overjoyed. Said Trevor, "This is literally one of the best days of my life!"

Being Saskatchewan Day, Saskatchewan videos were on rotation at all Olympic venues, and at Canada Hockey Place during the game, we caught a glimpse of this one on the big scoreboard featuring Brad Muir and Sundogs Sled Excursions.

At that evening's Victory Ceremonies, Brent Butt hosted a 30-minute program of Saskatchewan bands, videos and information, which was followed by the day's medal presentations. Canadian ski-cross gold medalist Ashleigh McIvor received her medal on Saskatchewan Day.

For the daily medal ceremonies, BC Place Stadium is divided in two by a giant curtain, and a huge drape acts a a screen showing videos and graphics. After all the hardware has been handed out, the big drape drops and that evening's band does a short set. Tonight, it was Billy Talent.

That was one fun day - more to come!
/Les at the Pavilion

Sunday, February 21, 2010

You Look Great in that Colour, Vancouver!

You know that blue, green and white colour scheme that decorates all Olympic venues and that looks so fantastic on TV ? Well, much of the actual city of Vancouver similarly decked out.

You'll find it near venues, on the stroll homeward, and in the easily-identifiable coats that the not-so-small army of Olympics volunteers wear.

It's hard to describe with iPhone pictures, but the colours manage to complement the surroundings, tying together the (sunny day) Vancouver blue sky and the greenish tint that many of the downtown condos seem compelled to colour their windows.

Plus the designs are quite simply beautiful. Vancouver always looks nice, and even nicer these days.
/Les at the Pavilion

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hallowed Hockey House in the 'Hood - Pt. 2

The place is packed on Wayne Gretzky Tribute Night, and of the jersey-wearing throngs, half are sporting Team Canada jerseys and the rest Gretzky jerseys. Lots of Oilers, lots of Kings, a few Rangers. No St. Louis Gretzky jerseys, though; an episode the Great One and his fans are likely equally eager to forget.

Opening act speakers include Lanny McDonald, Grant Fuhr and a surprisingly funny and talkative Kevin Lowe. Gretzky is ushered quietly to a table in the VIP area, where he signs autographs and appears to tear up just bit as the video screen displays some career highlights. Lots of those to choose from.

Wayne makes his way backstage, and the energy in the room builds. He comes out to a great roar, and has a sit-down chat with an interviewer. He precedes the chat by encouraging the audience to not scream for a few minutes while they chat. For the most part, we oblige.

Wayne discloses some good tidbits about the opening ceremonies hydraulic lift failure at the Torch-lighting ceremony. He said that he had heard so much talk in the media about some big surprise that might be part of the ceremony, he wasn't sure if this was maybe part of something that he didn't know was going to happen. They torch bearers all had in-ear communication, and Wayne thought to himself, "Oh-oh,", when he heard the producer say, "Is there any way we can hand-crank that thing?"

After even more autograph signings, the Great One is escorted out. We all return to our regularly-scheduled eating and drinking. Some around me have taken that open-bar opportunity a little to seriously!

Back to the Saskatchewan Pavilion for some great rock music by Saskatoon's Ultimate Power Duo. We sure do have some great up and coming bands in our province - more on that tomorrow...
/Les at the Pavilion

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hallowed Hockey House in the 'Hood - Pt. 1

Note to public: No public funds were used in the making of this blog post
Note to children: Um, about that inheritance...
Note to wife: But honey, it's the Olympics!

By the time I got organized enough to look into the VUP (Very Unimportant Person) or regular pass at Hockey House, they were sold out. I did some grunt work and ended up obtaining a VIP pass valued at $450. So I'm thinking to myself, this better not suck.

BTW, please be advised that many Hockey House events are sold out. But guess what is just steps away, FREE to get into and tons of fun? The Saskatchewan Pavilion, that's what.

Let's go in, shall we...

Got scanned in and ushered to temporary VIP accommodations in the
Hockey Canada lounge. Comfy couches, low-key atmosphere and delicious food = happy fellow.

Open bar is doing a decent business for this time of day. I shall refrain as one would do well to pace oneself for maximum enjoyment.

On the big screens, Sweden seems to be handling Belarus early in the third, 3-1, but
memories of their last Olympic meeting must be in the backs of their minds. Somewhere, Tommy Salo is drinking.

Once the main HH area opens at 2:30, we ticket-buying VIPs will be
ushered over there so that the actual VIPs can lounge properly. So I
am going to stay on this sweet couch until 2:29. The rugs are soft
hockey rinks
. Why would I want to leave?

At Molson Canadian Hockey House but not in the mood for beer? Then try the
wine -Wayne Gretzky Estates Wine. Of course.

Those Belorussians are not going quietly: now 3-2.

Sweden survives 4-2. Somewhere, Tommy Salo is weeping. Are they tears of joy or tears of despair? Only Tommy knows.

Have moved into Hockey House proper, with a welcome befitting a VIP. It's a big room, all right. Sweet jerseys line the walls, plastic chandeliers hover overhead, and the requisite Team Canada grand piano is all polished up and ready to go!

Keeping an eye open for obvious signs of Saskatchewan-ness - Rider jerseys, wheat pool hats and so forth - but we Canadians are hard to tell apart when we're all dressed in red!

Comedian Sean Cullen, backed up by The Odds, just sang "Come Sail Away" by Styx, then interviewed Lanny McDonald, Pete Mahovlich and a giant wisecracking jockstrap with a French accent. Crowd was indifferent while I laughed my head off!

Met a couple of BC fellas originally from - you guessed it - Saskatchewan. It's true: we are everywhere.

Dinner is served. Latvia is also being served: down 3-0 to Czech Republic eight minutes in.

Grant Fuhr signing signing autographs nearby. I don't usually do this kind of thing, but hey, we're both goalies.

After a visit to the Saskatchewan Pavilion (Jack Semple is laying down some smooth licks), it's back to Hockey House. Some guy, Wayne somebody, is supposedly showing up.

More later...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New in Town?

Our pavilion is not far from Athletes Village, a flag-draped clump of condos just across False Creek. Athletes and officials, easily-identifiable by their sweet and official garb, can be seen in restaurants, pavilions, on the street – everywhere.

I’ve spotted Russians, Czechs, impromptu Russian choirs, but sadly, no one in Norwegian curling pants – yet. Keeping my eyes peeled and hopes up.

Saw and heard this in a nearby Japanese restaurant last night: a Norwegian athlete came in, looked around, then said to the cashier, “I was supposed to meet my friends at a sushi restaurant near the athletes village. Are there any other sushi restaurants around here?"

Not sure, but she may still be looking. Because there are LOTS.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Good News AND the Bad News

The good news is that the weather has turned awesome here in Vancouver: nothing but sunshine and plus 10 degree temps as far as the long-range forecast can see.

Which is also the bad news, as skiing events continue to be postponed. Hopefully it all works out for the competitions, because it's working out great for people wandering the various pavilion sites.

Some current day and legendary Roughriders stopped by the Saskatchewan Pavilion to sign autographs. The bison burgers are becoming legendary around Vancouver in their own right; eager eaters line up to get in to the pavilion, line up to get a burger, and then settle in to enjoy. I've had three of these things already!

Perhaps you're sitting there, wondering to yourself, "Hmmm, I wonder if people are having fun down at Saskatchewan Pavilion?"

You be the judge:

/Les at the Pavilion

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday at the Pavilion

Another day, another great turnout at the Saskatchewan Pavilion. Word
on the street is that the word on the street is this: Pavilion bison
burgers are top notch. Lineups are long, but our efficient caterer
Canvas Off the Wall is doing a great job of cranking these giant and
delicious burgers out in a reasonable time.

Jack Semple is tearing it up onstage right now, Skavenjah will be
rocking the ska next. Andrea Menard was awesome earlier tonight, she
plays again Tuesday at 5:30.

More blog updates tomorrow - it's burger time!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Place is Packed and Rocking - at 5:00 in the Afternoon!

Well, the early reviews are in, and people are digging the Saskatchewan Pavilion big time!

Folks started streaming in when the doors opened at 11:00 a.m. and the dance floor was packed and hopping right up until closing time. The green screen experience, where you can get a picture of yourself "virtually" in Saskatchewan, has been a mega hit. I need to get a snap of me with one of those sweet big fish, but I think I'll wait until the line goes down a bit.

Not sure what I did to deserve such good fortune, but the stars all aligned and I got to take in the Opening Ceremonies at BC Place Stadium. WOW. The artistry, the emotion, the feeling of
patriotism and community - it was impossible to be in that room and not be touched and moved.

Lineups going in were fast, coming out took a little longer and felt a little damper. We didn't stay wet for long once we got back to the Pavilion, where Saskatoon's Mobadass and Regina's Def 3 had the joint jumping. By way of evidence, I present to you a short glimpse of the conga line:

Talked to a gal today who runs a downtown club; she told us that last night her friends and staff were texting her constantly about how the Saskatchewan Pavilion was rockin' and was the best place to be - the word is out!

Okay, a guy's gotta eat - more tomorrow,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vancouver is buzzing! And we're not even open yet!

The Pavilion Team has been hard at it, putting the finishing touches on what is going to be one of the funnest places to be during the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver.

Testing of the projection system in the Saskatchewan Pavilion's Experience Center has been successful. Every night during the Games, images of Saskatchewan will be projected onto the dome, and will be visible from much of downtown Vancouver. How cool is that?

Next door in the Entertainment Center, the stage is set (literally), the food and drink areas are almost ready, and beautiful Saskatchewan images are in place along the walls. Lots of photos to come once the place is all spiffy and good to go.

Your humble correspondent heads out tomorrow - I'll be reporting daily on all things Pavilion and beyond. Wherever Saskatchewan is making an impression on Vancouver and on the world, we'll be there to let keep you in the loop.

OK, gotta pack. Let's see: suitcase, laptop, rain gear - I wonder if they would like me to bring any of this top-notch Saskatchewan snow along with me? Darn stuff doesn't travel that well, unfortunately...
(almost) at the Pavilion

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Week Away!

Time is flying and the Vancouver 2010 winter games are just a week away. Construction of the Saskatchewan Pavilion is right on schedule.

The domed Experience Center was successfully inflated this week, and the Entertainment Center is getting all gussied up and will be ready to welcome visitors from around the world next week.

Athletes, coaches and officials have begun descending on Vancouver, and organizers continue to frantically more snow around Cypress Mountain.

Stay tuned - I'll be updating as the preparations continue, and will be reporting, tweeting and Facebooking several times per day from Vancouver starting February 11.

It's going to be a blast!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Regina Torch Relay Celebrations

Along with 37 other Saskatchewan communities, Regina is gearing up to welcome the Olympic torch as it makes its way through the province. Torch Relay-related events begin at 1:00, Saturday, January 9 in Regina - find out more on Facebook.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Right in the Center of all the Action

We've got some cool pictures of the Saskatchewan Pavilion being constructed in downtown Vancouver (thanks, Angela!). The roof of the clear-span structure is in place, with a great big Saskatchewan Pavilion logo clearly visible across False Creek.

The dome part of our pavilion won't go up for a while yet, but in these pictures you can see that the Saskatchewan Pavilion is just steps away from the Hockey House Pavilion (which will be a HUGE attraction), and the giant cube-shaped Quebec pavilion. Ontario's will also be in the same area.

And they are all really close to BC Place Stadium and GM Place, both major hubs of activities during the games.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Website coming along

We've been slaving away on the Pavilion site, which is coming along nicely. Lots of Torch Relay photos and stories being added this weekend, and lots more to come as the Games approach.

Check it out here:


Gearing up for the Winter Games

Les from Tourism Saskatchewan here. I'll be blogging about Saskatchewan's activities leading up to and during the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. The second visit of the Torch Relay happens January 9-12; we'll be posting tons of images and stories on as the torch makes its way through our Province.

We'll also keep you updated on the events, activities and FUN that will be going on at the Saskatchewan Pavilion. Located just off False Creek, the Saskatchewan Pavilion will show off Saskatchewan's tourism assets, business opportunities and quality of life. It's also going to be a great place to visit, socialize, and hear great Saskatchewan music.

Stay tuned - lots more to come...